Saturday, February 5, 2011

Go Wings!

  Today's post is just a simple one.  I decided that since I am proud my husband has found a sport he thoroughly enjoys(finally! ;) ), that I would make something for the occasion.  Since we are near Hockeytown, I made the Red Wing's playoff's mascot, "Al" the octopus.  My version of course is a very friendly looking one though; See:

I used the Mini Monsters cart to make him, and then duplicated the cut to create and modify the jersey.  I used a gel pen for the white parts of the jersey, and drew on the Wing's logo.  I'm still deciding whether or not I want to add more detail to Al as far as tentacles and shadows... We shall see.

Hope you've enjoyed this post & I'll catch you next time!


1 comment:

Lisa Norris said...

He's just SOOOOO cute! Thanks for sharing!
